Friday, April 6, 2007

Puppy Camp!

Vince took his first day trip to puppy camp this week and we've been paying for it ever since! The place that Vince went allows dogs of a similar size to run around free together and they don't discipline the dogs at all. As a consequence Vince thinks that he can act however he pleases so we've been reinforcing the no jumping or puppy nibbles rule.

As noted Vince is a fully licensed and accredited pooch in the eyes of the city of Chicago so we've been visiting the local dog parks. For the most part it has been enjoyable but there always seems to be one "bully" dog at each park. The worst part is that the owners of these dogs always say the same thing "oh, he won't hurt anyone." In the meantime all the other dog owners are slowly leaving because they are afraid that their dogs (or the people) are going to get hurt!

One dog was pushing Vince around a little and he stood up for himself, but the bully was just a little too big and strong. I felt like saying to the owners as we were leaving "my dog's going to get bigger, and when he does we're coming back to take care of you and your dog!"

1 comment:

The Browands said...

Dogs are just great practice for being a parent. You shouldn't feel bad about your reaction to Vincent being a bit bullied...I remember when Meg got kicked out of a kennel for being bad, I became the most defensive, rude parent ever witnessed in the state of Indiana. I figure it is good practice for parenting. Maybe now when I have a bad parent teacher conference in the future I will be prepared for my reaction!