Sunday, October 12, 2008

This is Fall?

Temperatures soared into the 80's here in Chicago this weekend, kind of shocking considering the calendar says October! The one benefit is we were able to drive the convertible out to our friend's house to watch the Boilermakers lose to the Buckeyes on Saturday.

Vince was happy though, as the warm weather encouraged us to take a long walk on Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday was a bit interesting. Those of you that have visited us know that we leave near the Lathrop Homes CHA housing projects. This has not been an issue in the 5+ years we've lived here but it was not good when we walked through on Saturday. There were multiple people out on the street completely DRUNK (or worse) at 9 a.m. and they were checking us over as though we were fresh meat ripe for the picking. Frankly, it was a bit disturbing. I hope that this economic downturn doesn't lead to an upturn in crime in the area, but it might just be time to purchase a baseball bat to keep in the house.

On a brighter note, the warm weather gave us the chance to winterize the deck in decent weather. We took down the tent cover and placed the table and chairs under a tarp for the winter. :-( Guess the only "al fresco" dining we'll be doing will be at tailgates!