Sunday, April 8, 2007

New Bed

Paula and I went to the Art Institute today to see the Vollard exhibit, it was quite interesting. Vollard was a French art dealer that showed (and sold) the works of the French Avante Garde. The exhibit was made up of works of art that Vollard either owned or sold through his life. There were some very nice Van Gogh, Renoir, and Gauguin paintings.

After the institute and a walk in the park with Vince we went shopping for new dog bed/kennel. We've found that the open top cage just didn't provide the "den" that Vince wanted. At the condo in Michigan City he has a tendency to crawl under the couch with his head sticking out to take his naps, so we were fairly certain that he wanted a roof over his head. With that in mind we have replaced his old cage with a new "big boy" bed. Provided that Vince doesn't get a lot bigger this will be his home for the rest of his years with us.

Vincent likes his new den very much. He was very, very excited to take his first nap in the new den. I decided that every home needs an address plate, therefore Vince got one of his own:

1 comment:

The Browands said...

Good choice for the crate. Meg-a-moo lived in hers for two years. She is big enough and well behaved enough (when we are gone) to be trusted in the house. She seems to get into more stuff when we are home than when we are gone!