Saturday, July 14, 2007

Junior Police Dog

I forgot to post last week that Vinny became a junior police dog. When we were out for our walk last Friday we saw a "police incident" after leaving the dog park and Vinny got involved!

As we left the dog park we saw an unmarked cop car turn left in front of us, then reverse course and rush up the street. Turns out that the two cops saw two young kids attempting to break into a house!

The cops got out of their car and told the kids to freeze. One stopped immediately but the other one started to walk away at a trot. The cop told him not to move as he started moving towards him but the kid of course started to run.

At this point all the screeching of tires, doors slamming, and cops yelling set Vinny off and he started barking. Well, the kid that was starting to run must have thought that the barking was from a k-9 unit because he paused running just long enough for the cop to grab him by the collar. Excellent work Vincent! (I don't expect a commendation from the Mayor any time soon.)

1 comment:

The Browands said...

Way to go Vinny! I bark at every person that walks by our house, but I don't think I ever helped the police apprehend a suspect. I almost got in trouble by animal control once, but they had the wrong dog!

Your friend,