Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Greetings from Eastern Europe

I am currently on an Eastern European extravanaganza! (Say that 5 times fast). I started out in Riga, Lativa, and now I am in Warsaw, Poland. The picture is of me along the Daugava river with old town in the background. The old town area is quite charming and fun to wander around. I have posted my pictures of Riga on my picture page. See the Paula's photos link on the bottom right.

Going back to April when I was in Bratislava, I thought I would post a couple fun pictures. In 2006 went up to the castle for a great scenic view in Bratislava. Then when I was back in 2007, I thought I would take the same photo. Due to some technical difficulties, I was unable to retrieve the photo until just now. Thanks to Michal for taking multiple pictures to finally get the same angle, and mad props to Jakub and his recovery techniques!! So the 2006 photo is the first one, and the second is from 2007. Too bad I wasn't wearing the same shirt. ha

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