Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Too Cool for Obedience School

Just before I left last week for my trip to Europe (post and pictures forthcoming) I decided it was time for Vinny to take a ride in the convertible. I bought a seat cover to put over the passenger seat and then strapped him in for the ride.

Most dogs love the idea of sticking their heads out the window so I figured a ride in the Mercedes would be doggy heaven; I'm thinking that Vince doesn't necessarily agree however. Vince isn't much of a "head out the window" kind of pooch anyway and I think he was actually a little cold with the top down. He seemed fairly indifferent about the whole affair, didn't hate it, but didn't love it either.
He did seem to enjoy the ride a lot more once I flipped on the seat heater for him. What a spoiled dog huh? I can just hear him now at puppy camp: "why do I need to finish obedience school I've got a seat that heats my rump and two humans that spoil me rotten?!"

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Greetings from Eastern Europe

I am currently on an Eastern European extravanaganza! (Say that 5 times fast). I started out in Riga, Lativa, and now I am in Warsaw, Poland. The picture is of me along the Daugava river with old town in the background. The old town area is quite charming and fun to wander around. I have posted my pictures of Riga on my picture page. See the Paula's photos link on the bottom right.

Going back to April when I was in Bratislava, I thought I would post a couple fun pictures. In 2006 went up to the castle for a great scenic view in Bratislava. Then when I was back in 2007, I thought I would take the same photo. Due to some technical difficulties, I was unable to retrieve the photo until just now. Thanks to Michal for taking multiple pictures to finally get the same angle, and mad props to Jakub and his recovery techniques!! So the 2006 photo is the first one, and the second is from 2007. Too bad I wasn't wearing the same shirt. ha

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Too Funny!

Normally forwards don't do much for me but I've gotten a few in the last few days that crack me up!

Vince is a tail chaser, so this is really appropriate!

My Cub Friend Fans, I Give you:

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Is That Real or Memorex?

I know I'm showing my age with that tagline, but it seemed so appropriate. (For those of you that have forgotten Memorex was a cassette tape.) Anyway, Vince has been increasingly interested in what is on the television. This is partially driven in Michigan City by the size of the television. As you can see from the photo, many of the things on the screen are "life size" to Vince.

This started last year when I was watching the Purdue basketball game and Vince tried to snatch the ball when it was being passed between two players. Guess he couldn't tell the difference between 2d and 3d huh?

While the chases of balls and intense study of moving object are funny, the funniest episodes are when a dog or cat appears on screen. A few weeks ago a dog was on the Fox morning program during their "adopt a pet" segment. Vince just couldn't seem to figure out why he couldn't detect anything when he attempted to sniff the other dogs rear end! I nearly laughed my butt off watching that.