Saturday, February 17, 2007

Vincents Big Saturday

Paula left on Thursday for an 11 day trip with her Mom in the Galapagos Islands - so Eric and Vince are on their own for quite some time. Their first Saturday together was quite eventful - and all before 1:00 p.m.!

The day started with a visit to the vet. The vet only takes walk in appointments on Saturday so we were there at 9:00 to ensure we were at the front of the line. After two hours in the waiting room it was decided that maybe we need to make a weekday appointment from now on! Not that Vince minded that much, he got to meet lots and lots of new pooches!

Vince doesn't generally mind trips to the vet. I mean sure, they stick things up your bum to take samples and to get your temperature but at least you get a cookie to chew on while they are doing it! Vince didn't even squirm as they gave him his two booster shots, he was a very good boy. (Of course the cookie he was chewing on helped take his mind of the needle.)

They say that over time pets and their owners tend to reflect each other's personalities. There was proof of this at the Vet's office on Saturday. The first instance was the corpulent man that came in with an absolutely round border collie. I mean they were spitting images of each other. The second instance was our very own Vincent reflecting one of his owners (I'll let you decide which one.) Vince was given a cookie to gulp down at the start of the appointment and after he snarfed it down in record time he raised his head up and let out a very loud belch. ('Atta boy Vince!)

After the vet ordeal was over Vince and Eric headed out to the park for the first time. They went to the North Pond area of Lincoln Park for a walk in the winter wonderland that is Chicago! Vince got to experience a lot of new things, kids on sleds, people on cross country skis, and even a person on snow shoes.

The biggest thrill for Vince though, other then diving head first into snow drifts, was the flock of geese that he was very anxious to go and meet.

By the time we got home Vince was so tired that he plopped down in the first sunbeam he found for a nice long nap.

1 comment:

The Browands said...

You'll have so much fun once he is old enough and trained well enough to take off a leash at the park. Granted, it took us two full years to get Meg to the point where she can go places offleash (and a handy remote shock collar) because she used to just run away - no looking back.

I enjoyed seeing Vince in his fancy coat - we can't find any clothes to fit the Meg a moo anymore!